[Career Highlights]

Growth in Leadership

A Public Sector service career spanning 25+ years... 

 Department of the Air Force (DAF) Supply Chain Domain Automation Program Work

2022 - Director, Dept of the Air Force Supply Chain RPA Program

🔗  Speaker at the 2022 UiPath Public Sector "Together" Conference in Washington D.C. alongside the Dept of the Air Force (DAF) RPA Center of Excellence Program Manager, Matt Roberts.

  Leadership @ Work

2015 - Director, Enterprise Improvement (446 AW)

2019 - Director, Joint Reserve Force (DLA)

Leading Enterprise Improvement.

446th Airlift Wing Process Improvement Promotion Video - 2015

[Ideator, Script Writer, Production Manager]

 US Air Force & National Science Foundation in Antarctica

2010 - Operations Officer for the US Air Force

Supported the National Science Foundation (NSF) mission in McMurdo Station, Antarctica in 2010 leading supply chain operations for the government.

 US Air Force OIF III Deployment

2005 | 2006 - Commander, 424 MTD

Commanded first-ever combat sustainment/logistics distribution network convoy organization in Operation Iraqi Freedom; utilized business process engineering to establish operations and develop organizational procedures.

Mentored early (and often) by the one-and-only... Linus Jordan!

Best Mission ~ Best People!

A surprise gift from one of the amazing and talented 424 MTD Airmen!

Learning how to administer IVs on the battlefield in 'Combat Lifesaver' training.

I owe who I am today to this team of professionals!